Monday, January 31, 2011

Menu Plan Mondays

Starting now, I will be posting our menu-plan for the week. Because I also do memory Monday's (scripture memorization) I will make this one post. It will have my weekly memory verse + our weekly menu plan.
As far as the menu goes we go by a basic blueprint which we follow weekly. Such as Tuesday: taco or wrap night. But, we change the combinations so we can enjoy variation. As far as our eating habits I try to stick to healthy choices as much as possible without being legalistic. Although I do have to say canned food grosses me out occasionally (I love home cooked meals!). For pasta I use whole-wheat, same with bread, I really want to step away from commercial breads... so my plan is to develop my bread baking skills in the next year (goal). We also eat red meat very rarely so we increase our poultry, fish, and bean consumption. This is not because I feel bad for cows. This is because I believe red meat is unhealthy- so we limit.
Our Blueprint:
Monday- Pasta
Tuesday- Tacos/Wraps
Wednesday- Soup + Sandwich
Thursday- Chicken/potatoes/veggie
Friday- Fish and Fries(or?)
Saturday- Pizza or Calzones
Sunday- Open (special)
I like to cook special meals and goodies on Saturday to prepare for the Sabbath.

This weeks meals are outlined below:
Monday- American Chop Suey
Tuesday- Chicken/Cheese/Veggie wraps
Wednesday- Grilled Cheese Sandwiches w/ Cream of mushroom soup
Thursday- Baked chicken, potato salad, creamed spinach
Friday- Salmon stir fry over brown rice
Saturday- Pizza w/ sauteed onions, mushrooms, and olives
Sunday- Calzones

Make on Saturday to freeze:
Chicken noodle soup
Potato Chowder
Herb Rolls
Blueberry muffins

Memory Mondays

I have Given you authority to trample on snakes and scorpians and to overcome all power of the enemy; nothing will harm you. - Luke 10:19

Little Children

"Come," He said.
Then Peter got out of the boat, walked on the water and came toward Jesus. But, when he saw the wind, he was afraid and, beginning to sink, cried out, "Lord save me!"
Immediately Jesus reached out his hand and caught him. "You of little faith," He said, "Why did you doubt?" - Matthew 14:29-31

What I love about Matthew 14:29-31 is Peter had the ability to walk on water. I had this vision go through my mind of a mother prompting her baby to walk to her. "Come on, you can do it." As the mother sees her baby starting to fall she quickly grabs the baby before they hit their head and injures themselves. Maybe this is where we are spiritually? (not all of course) Jesus is letting us know its time to grow up and walk on our water. Those areas we feel we are drowning in can not hurt us. We are fully capable, powerful, and nothing can harm us (Luke 10:19) and thats faith. We have to live and walk by what we know (2 Corin 5:7) not what we feel or what thought assaults us and pressures us to crumble under it. When Peter cried, "Lord save me" - Was he praying the way we so often do? He believed his words could be heard and Jesus would help (and he will). But, the crucial part he failed at. He didnt believe he could do what the Lord told him he was capable of. And when he got scared and he started to sink- he cried out (prayer). How many of our prayers are the same as Peter? Maybe, just maybe, the Lord wants us to believe more than he wants the fearful prayer? I dont want to be afraid anymore- I want to walk, no, I want to run on that water!!!

Friday, January 28, 2011

Memory Memos: Philippians 3:14

I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus. - KJV

" "I press". This same verb is translated "I follow after" in Philippians 3:12, and it carries the idea of intense endeavor. The Greeks used it to describe a hunter eagerly pursuing his prey. A man does not become a winning athlete by listening to lectures, watching movies, reading books, or cheering at the games. He becomes a winning athlete by getting into the game and determining to win! The same zeal that Paul employed when he persecuted the church (Phil. 3:6), he displayed in serving Christ. Come to think of it, wouldn't it be wonderful if Christians put as much determination into their spiritual life as they do their golfing, fishing, or bowling?"
Wiersbe Commentary.

How often do we put more energy into the things we enjoy as opposed to the investment of eternal treasures? As I was reading this commentary it really convicted me in a few areas. How often do we waste precious time on the seemly unimportant aspects of life? When that time could be devoted to bible study, prayer, or serving a needy neighbor? I think about today and one question comes to my mind. What do I need to change so I can press toward the mark?

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Cleaning Schedule

I am feeling quite adventurous today. Below is going to be a copy of my daily cleaning schedule. I found this cleaning schedule on another blog a few monthes ago. I can not remember where I found it at ( I am SOOOO sorry). If this is your idea please contact me and I will give you 100% credit. Friday and Saturday are dedicated to their own tasks. Because, well, lets face it they can be overwhelming! So here goes:

Everyday: Beds, dishes, counters, garbage.

Monday: Zone 1
Tuesday: Zone 2
Wednesday: Zone 3
Thursday: Zone 4
Friday: Laundry
Saturday: Baking + Cooking Day!

Zone 1:
Clean cobwebs
Wash doors + windows
Wipe down walls
Shake mats

Dust Artwork
Clean light fixtures
Empty + clean fridge
Clean Microwave- inside + out
Clean stovetop + oven
Wash small appliances
Clean under sink
org. drawers + cabinets
Wash cabinet fronts
Wipe walls + switchplates
Dust + polish furniture
Straighten + dust bookshelf
Mop Floors

Zone 2:
Living Room:
Clean cobwebs
Clean light fixtures
Dust baseboards
Wash inside of windows
Wipe down walls + switchplates
Dust + clean artwork
Straighten/ dust bookcase
Dust/ polish furniture
Straighten tv cabinet
Dust/Clean tv
Vacuum/under cushions
Deep clean rugs if needed

Front of house:
Shake out mats
Wipe off stuff

Zone 3:
Dust wall hangings
Wipe walls + switchplates
Straighten draws/cabinets/closets
Scrub sink, toilet, tub
Polish mirrors
Replenish supplies
Sanitize trash
Sweep + mop floor
Clean baseboard

Kids Bedroom:
Clean cobwebs
Wipe walls + switchplates
Dust, polish furniture
Straighten all drawers
Flip mattress if needed
Wash inside of window
Dust + straighten bookcase
Clean under bed
Clean closets
Dust baseboards

Zone 4:
Master Bedroom:
Clean cobwebs
Clean fans
Dust + polish furniture
Straighten draws/under bed
Clean closet
Wash inside of windows
Dust blinds/baseboards
Wash all bed linens/blankets

Clean baseboards
Dust artwork
Clean dust + organize desk area
Dust computer

Of course- some of these things your not going to do every week (like the inside of oven). However, the reason I like this system is because it is very thorough. God bless in your house cleaning adventures!

Training Activities (Proverbs 22:6)

In my quest to train my daughter in godliness (Proverbs 22:6). I have been really focusing on spiritual growth + everyday practical skills. So, as our family time I have broken it down into a daily subject/theme to focus on. This post is to document our "extra activities" that we do everyday. I believe these skills are important for development both for the spiritual and practical aspects of life.

Monday- Art/Creativity: 1 special monthly project to do together. We pick at the beginning of the month... this will be added to our monthly agenda. were also focusing on my DDs gift, which I believe is drawing.

Tuesday- Nature Study: I want to teach the importance and value of appreciating Gods craftsmanship (Psalm 19:1) We really havent begun this yet. However, I am planning for the beginning of march. Due to the fact I cannot tolerate cold weather.

Wednesday- Home Economics/House Management: menu plan, cooking, grocery shopping, frugality, budget, tithing, cleaning, diy.

Thursday- Christian Womanhood/Character. Monthly topic, ie. commitment.

Friday- Family Game/Movie night: I want to teach the value of games without competition. Since we do not watch alot of tv. we find a nice program to enjoy with a big bowl of popcorn!

Saturday- Cooking + Baking Day! Pick out recipes together. We cook, bake, and freeze for the future... best part: TOGETHER!

Sunday- Rest

Daily Schedule

This is our daily schedule we follow. I was suppose to post this a long time ago. However, I did forget. *slaps wrist* im a bad girl I know. This is just a basic outline of what our day looks like. We also have a cleaning schedule we follow which I am going to post at some point. So for now we will focus on our daily priorities.

5am-Quiet time: Bible Study + prayer.
6am-Go online (computer off after this time), plan and organize for day, dress for day, make breakfast, and pack lunches.
7:30am- DD up. Bible Study + prayer. Recite memory verse.
9am- 1. Follow cleaning schedule, 2. Creative time (Col. 3:23-24)
2pm- Quiet time (nothing electronic): reading, nap.
3:30- Clean up, prepare for my DD to come home.
4pm- Homework, family time (daily focus/home studies)
5pm- Cook Dinner + serve.
6pm- Cleanup/Chores... Only music.
6:30pm- Shower/ undress.
7pm- Family reading/devotional/prayers.
8:30pm- DD bedtime
I should be asleep before 10pm... im really working on this.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Monthly Agenda: January

Ok.... I really want to get on the ball here. So what ive come up with is a idea which I would like to call: Monthly Agenda. This is simply going to be things I plan on doing in the upcoming month in written format. Put in a place where I can see everyday!!! Which hopefully will keep me focused and grounded. Even though I am starting this at the end of January- whatever I dont finish I can (if I want) carry it over into the next month.

Memory Verses (1 per week):
I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.
Phil. 3:14 Completed

Hymn (1 per month):
Higher Ground, Charles H. Gabriel Completed

Raising the Standard, Carman Completed
A Call to Family Reformation, Rainey Completed

Bible Study:
Becoming a Woman of Faith, Heald Continue into February

DD Bible Study:
Training Hearts, Teaching Minds, Meade Continue into February

Cookbook (new recipes using for this month):
Complete Cooking Light Cookbook Completed

Creative Inspiration (Book):
Mrs. Meyers Clean Home, Meyer Continue into February

Training Activities: Completed
Creativity: practice shading.
Nature Study: on hold.
Home Economics: Doing basic chores; responsibility.
Christian Womanhood: Discussing character
Game/Movie Night: uno and try to find a kid movie?
Cooking/Baking Day: muffins, tortillas, soup.

Ideas to Incorporate Into My Life: Completed
Bible study area for my quiet time. These items will be primarily used for my quiet time with the Lord in the morning. Objects= Bible, Commentary, Writing Utensils, Ruler, My Bible Study book, Notebook.
Baking and Cooking Bulk for freezing on Saturdays

My inner desire is really to become more grounded, focused, and organized. So I really pray this helps me achieve these goals.
PS- Mondays im going to post my weekly memory verse. Also during week I will add whatever insight or wisdom the Lord gives me regarding the verse(s).

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Light Cant Dwell with Darkness

The LORD had said to Abram, "Get out of your country, from your family and from your Fathers house, To a land that I will show you. - Genesis 12:1

Sunday, January 2, 2011

2011 Book List

I am so excited to be composing my 2011 book list. I absolutely lovvvve reading. This year I am not giving myself a number of books to read. I am going to digest as many books thats humanly possible. Also my book selection is going to reflect some of my 2011 "resolutions" I have made. One being a better baker and home cook to serve my family + others. I will list them below in categories. As I finish I will change to bold pink and IF the book happens to really impact my life I will let you know by this beautiful little feature:*****
God bless + I pray that the Holy Spirit will lead us to many wonderful and enriching titles!

Christian Living:
Raising the Standard, Carman
A Call to Family Reformation, Rainey
Facing your Giants, Lucado
The Fruit of Her Hands, Wilson
Beautiful in Gods eyes, George
Sacred Chaos, Rhodes
Take up Your Cross, Rhodes
Crazy Love, Chan
The Leadership Wisdom of Jesus, Manz
Experiencing the Depths of Jesus Christ, Guyon
How to be Happy though Married, LaHaye
In This Sanctuary, Paris
The Measure of a Woman, Getz
Her Name is Woman, Karssen
Open heart Open home, Mains
Womanly Dominion, Chanski
First comes Love Than Comes Money, Gibson
Feminine Appeal, DeMoss
Capture His Heart, Terkeurst
Heartfelt Discipline, Clarkson
Sacred Influence, Thomas
Charles Stanleys handbook for Christian Living, Stanley

Homemaking Skills:
Mrs. Meyers Clean Home, Meyer
Reluctant Entertainer, Coughlin
Baking: from my Home to Yours, Greenspan
Whole Grains Everyday, Everyway, Sass
Splendid Soups, Peterson

My Bible Studies:
Becoming a Woman of Faith, Heald
Becoming the Woman God Wants Me to be, Partow
Lets Study Mark, Ferguson

My DD Bible Studies:
Lord, Teach Me to Pray, for kids, Arthur
Training Hearts Teaching Minds, Meade
David C Cook Bible lesson Commentary, 2010-11

Family Reads:
A Faith to Grow on, MacArthur
Pictorial Pilgrims Progress, Moody
Beautiful Girlhood, Andreola
Heaven for Kids, Alcorn
A Girl after Gods own Heart, George
Unlocking the Mysteries of Creation, Peterson

Discovering Gods Daily Agenda, Blackaby (me)
Grace for the Moment, Lucado (me)
The One Year Mother Daughter Devo, Gresh (Both)
Common Prayer: a Liturgy for ordinary Radicals, Claiborne (Both)

2011 Family Investment (These can be pricey but they are worth it for the long-term)
Jamieson, Fausset, and Browns Commentary on Whole Bible, Jamieson
Thru the Bible (1-5), Mcgee
The Genesis Record, Morris
Church History in Plain Language, Shelley
Baking + Pastry, CIA
The professional Chef, CIA