Thursday, February 3, 2011

Monthly Agenda: February

I am a couple of days late posting my monthly agenda for February due to being so busy. The funny this is I have been focusing on simplicity. I really want to cut down on things. They drag my spirit down. We all love filling our home with goodies but the question is when do those things begin to drift our focus away from Christ and where he wants us to be? 2 Corinthians 11:3 reminds me that the devil is the one who tries to distract us from the good things God wants us focused and centered on. So, in my quest for simplicity I am throwing or giving the junk away that bogs down my life. February is going to be a month of simplicity! Will you join me? I am going to find ways to cut out the clutter from my space, time, + thoughts.

Memory Verses (1 per week):
#1: Luke 10:19

'Tis so sweet to trust in Jesus, Kirkpatrick

Crazy Love, Chan
Facing your Giants, Lucado
Conflict free living, Meyer
Knowing God, Packer

Bible Study:
Becoming a Woman of Faith, Heald
Be Rich {Ephesians}, Wiersbe

DD Bible Study:
Training hearts, teaching minds, Meade

Rachael Rays look + cook

Creative Inspiration:
Mrs. Meyers clean home, Meyer
The Fashion Designs directory of shape and style, Zaman

Training Activities:
Creativity: Continue practice shading.
Nature Study: On hold.
Home Economics: Doing basic chores;responsibilities.
Christian Womanhood: Diligence
Game/Movie Night: Open
Cooking/Baking Day:
Week #1
Tortillas, muffins, rolls, pesto, cupcakes.
Ideas to incorporate into my life:
Family scrapbook

1 comment:

  1. Scrapbooking is so fun. It is hard to fit that in sometimes. I have about the last two years I need to catch up on! :-p

    How often do you get to scrapbook? I heard of Scrapbooking Weekends for women, where you travel to a cabin for a weekend of non-stop scrapbooking. I should try that to catch up.
